2020 Books!
Here is a short list of books I gathered from Twitter that had releases this year. Check them out and pick up a copy if you like!
I’m working through a long list of books suggested to me, so I will not have all of the books in this one post. I will continue to make posts on Tuesdays until I get through the list.
If there is a problem with the information on the page, please contact me. If there is a problem with any of the books I may not display them on my site.
Children's Books
MISADVENTURES OF A MAGICIAN’S SON by Laurie Smollett Kutscera released April 1st (published by Blue Whale Press/Clearfork). Middle Grade.
Website: https://LSKillustration.com
Buy the Book: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781732893542

Taste Your Words by Bonnie Clark. Illustrated by Todd Bright. Picture Book.
Bonnie Clark https://bonnieclarkbooks.com/
Todd Bright http://www.toddbright.com/
Buy the Book:
Legend of the Storm Sneezer by Kristina Sfirlea. Middle Grade.
Website: https://www.kristianasquill.com/
Buy the Book: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781948095563

The Box Turtle by Vanessa Roeder. Picture Book
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nessadeeart
Buy the Book: https://www.bookpeople.com/book/9780735230507
The Doggy Doctor and the Upset Tummy by Dr. Jacqueline Johnson illustrated by Chennon Roberts. Coming out later this year.
Website: https://www.beardeddogpress.com/

She Leads: The Elephant Matriarch
by June Smalls. Illustrated by Yumi Shimokawara.
Website: https://junesmalls.com/
Buy the Book: https://www.workman.com/products/she-leads
Sloth Went by Adam Lehrhaupt. Illustrated by Benson Shum.
Adam Lehrhaupt’s Website: http://adamlehrhaupt.com/
Benon Shum’s Website: http://bensonshum.com/


Cells by Julia Cowan. Languishing in a mysterious prison, a teenager is torn between exposing his abductors and his desire for a new life.
Website & Buy the Book: https://www.blkdogpublishing.com/cells
Creativity Brewing 30 Short Stories Hand-Roasted to Perfection by Kevin Barrick and Jason Schneider
Buy The Book:http://Amzn.com/B084C2QJVL

BETRAYAL: A Jill Andersen Mystery by J.D. Gunegan
Website: https://jdcuneganbooks.com/
Buy the Book: https://books2read.com/b/mdzP8E
Steampunk Leap Year by Jessica Lucci
Buy the Book: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JessicaLucciBooks?ref=seller-platform-mcnav

Reforged by Dark Passion by Lila Mina
Buy the Book: https://www.amazon.com/Reforged-Dark-Passion-Yakuza-Romance-ebook/dp/B088JX1J3L