Queer Kidlit
Queer Kidlit is closed for the summer! Please tune in September 1st on Twitter when we'll continue our regularly scheduled chat. Please use my contact form if you have any questions or contact me, Jeanette or the QueerKidlit twitter account if you have questions or would like to be a guest for our chat. Chat guests do not have to be out or queer.
Wakelet archives of our chat can be found here: https://wakelet.com/@QueerKidlit
I'd like to invite you all to Queer Kidlit on Twitter. This event takes place every Wednesday 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET. This is a weekly kidlit chat for all LGBTQIA+ people and allies! Search #QueerKidlit to follow the chat. Event is hosted by Jeanette Bradley & Dani Duck. Twitter handles are @jeanettebradley & @daniduck. You can DM questions/comments to @queerkidlit on Twitter.
If anything is unclear, please let me know! We want to foster a safe enviroment for all LGBTQIA+ people!