Home Fun for Kids
Here is a list of free things for kids to do at home. Some of these require parent participation.
Coding: Scratch Jr. https://www.scratchjr.org/ Works on both Android and Apple Devices. There is also a version of the program for older kids and adults called Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/ (This program is used at my child's school).
Math Fun: Prodigy https://www.prodigygame.com/ You can play in a browser or on a tablet/phone. Your child may have a profile through their school. (This program is used at my child's school).
Roblox: Contains a lot of player created games. https://www.roblox.com/ Roblox Studio (for creating games): https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313860-Roblox-Studio
Printable Activity Sheets:
Jarrett Lerner: https://jarrettlerner.com/activities/
Homeschooling and More Resources:
Free Classes and more: https://www.khanacademy.org/
More Resources: https://smartcoos.com/resources