Jennifer Cole Judd’s Train to Creativity

I love Jennifer Cole Judd’s work so much! I’m so glad that I get to have her on my blog once again. Years ago I received a copy of Circus Train from her. You might be looking at the cover and think “Is this book actually as beautiful as it looks?” Yes, yes it is, both words and pictures are absolutely wonderful.
Jennifer talks a lot about creativity, writing tips and all kinds of fun things! I hope this interview keeps you smiling as you go into the weekend.
Jennifer Cole Judd’s Website:
Jennifer: Creativity sometimes feels like a magical fairy or leprechaun. As soon as I decide that I *need* to be creative, that little muse backflips into a pile of laundry, or emails, or errands, (or Facebook posts and Acorn TV shows) and *poof*! She’s gone. For a looooong time.

The other thing that helps me is to take my creativity OFF the page (or the screen). These are what I like to call “creativity breaks,” and they really help get the juices flowin’ again, so to speak. A creativity break could look a little like this:
1) Taking a walk, and counting how many different animals I find
2) Going to a grocery store and buying 3-4 foods I have never tried (or a bunch of random ingredients to make into a recipe)
3) Using a different medium, like clay, finger paints, etc., to get messy with and start exploring,
4) Holding a “Sensory Spa Session” with lots of scents, textures, tastes, pictures with multiple visual elements, music clips, etc.
5) Playing games, especially with my kids (try the classics, like charades, “Would You Rather,” “I Spy,” and 20 Questions for inspiration).

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Jennifer’s Books:
Debra M Daugherty
Our muses behave alike. When I need her, she disappears. I love your ideas for a creativity break. Thanks, Jennifer, for sharing.
Darlene Frybarger
What great inspirations for creativity. Love this!
Kelly Vavala
I Love the book The Artist Way! Thank you for the inspiration! An Eyeball in my Garden sounds fun!
Lauri Meyers
Great tips for creativity!